Gears & Gear Drives (India) Pvt Ltd
Product Range
Fact Sheet
- Location:Karnataka, India
- Main Products:Bevel Gearboxes, Geared Jack
- Reviews & Rating:
Mechanical Linear Actuator
Being the most dedicated certified organization guided by experienced and knowledgeable professionals, we offer quality premium quality Mechanical Linear Actuator.Our service meets the customer's request.
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Product Details
Mechanical Linear ActuatorConstruction
Strong And SturdyCondition
NewStandard Or Non-Standard
StandardSupply Type
NegotiableCustom Order
Other Details
These units are primarily for lifting or lowering Masses in both Vertical & Horizontal planes. The weight to be lifted is from 250 kg (0.25 Tons) to 150000 kgs. (50 Tons through various Frames of 0.25 T / 0.5T / 2 T / 2.5T / 5T / 10T /20T / 35T / 50T / 100T / 150T (T indicates Tonnage). These units give positive mechanical action, fail proof & Precise Positioning. The Height to be lifted (or) lowered can be upto 3000 MM.There are two standard speeds available viz., Normal lift & Slow lift. Housing / Shell is made of Nodular (SG Iron) Casting from 2 Ton to 150 Tons. For 0.5 Ton & 1 Ton Models we use Aluminum shells & covers.There are two types viz Lifting screw rod with the stationary head,Rotating Screw rod and moving NUT. Both types have two further design possibilities of Design A (upward & Design (B) Downward. All the Jacks can be used on sideways (or) angular ways also.Additional Accessories such as Anti-turn device, Anti Backlash Attachment, Wear Monitoring Unit, Telescopic Lifting Screws, Miter Gear Box, Bellows, Protective Pipes, Hand Wheel, Potentiometer, Limit switches are available.