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GATHA Enterprises is an ISO 9001-2008 company providing Testing Machines, Castings, Machining Parts, Sheet metal and Fabricated assemblies for various applications.GATHA was started 7 years back. The Starting was with Material Testing Machines and Castings. In the following years , due to our service back up , quality of products and competitiveness GATHA has developed market reputation in the various parts of the world such as Malaysia, Austria, Germany, Australia , Gulf and in some African and Central American countries. GATHA works in selected areas where good quality products as well as services can be provided keeping in view our competitiveness . GATHA is an organisation which is dealing in Products , Projects and Components.GATHA undertakes the complete Metallurgical and Metallographic and Plastic , Rubber and Paper Testing Lab Sets for Steel Rolling mills ,Engineering Colleges , Research Institutes , Laboratories. GATHA is an exceptional company from India who has completed such type of jobs in Africa and in Gulf. GATHA has also supplied individual machines for various testing application.GATHA undertake to supply Small Power Plat upto 1Mw. In which GATHA supply Boilers (up to 40Ton and 40kgs pressure) , Turbines do the installation and commissioning at site. Also undertake repair jobs for the boilers, heat exchangers etc.GATHA is engaged in Casting, Fabrication, Machined and sheet metal . GATHA is one of the major companies in Cast Iron Moulds, Cylindrical Moulds. During last few years GATHA has supplied about 10,000 units of various moulds to different parts of worlds. Fabricated and supplied about 1000 units of Slump cones. GATHA has been Supplying complete machined components to world reputed Truck manufacturer.GATHA has support from well qualified engineers who are in the respective fields for more than one to two decades . GATHA has good commercial back up and infrastructure facility for carrying out the above work.GATHA is always interested in carrying out New ventures in various engineering and non- engineering fields.