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We are manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of G-Boom Fertilizer with good quality materials.

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  • Fertilizer Type

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    Plant Growth
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    Agriculture Industry
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  • Supply Type

    Manufacturer and Supplier
  • Delivery

    On Time Delivery

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With our interference between the harmony of nature, the agriculture method on seasonal climate changes and the production of healthy and tasty products in a steady and steady way, one can call BioFarming.Bio agricultural aims to produce High quality and safe agricultural products, which means products or methods that are not at all harmful to the ecosystem, human beings or other useful organisms. The organic fertilizer enriches the quality of the soil. The soil has three natures: physical, chemical and biological. It is only through the use of biological fertilizers that these soil types can be enriched by Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Agae Blue-Green, VAM, phosphobacteria, etc. Are useful and vegetable microbes found in organic fertilizers.

The most important features include soil, water and air are responsible for maintaining life on earth. The main producer of the food chain, plants, takes roots and grows in the soil. The soil is alive and has many microorganisms. Plants and all other organisms depend on the soil for their lives. Soil components and forms include many micro nutrients, degraded organic materials and pores. Of these, organic matter is only a minor amount, but they are so important to form the texture of the soil, as they are responsible for making the soil porous and aerated. This makes water enter into storage capacity is another appreciated property of organic matter in the soil; They can retain about 5 times the amount of water that the actual mass. This makes the soil superficial spongy. The soil creates the home for many microorganisms that are essential for plant growth. These microorganisms and terrestrial worms find their nourishment in the organic matter in the soil. Therefore, organic matter is needed to maintain the action and temperature required for the growth of these microbes and terrestrial worms. Decomposing organic matter also has the ability to retain micronutrients and solubilize them for easy plant uptake in appropriate amounts. The surface soil has innumerable microbes, which are tiny that can only be observed by microscope and useful worms like megascolex. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. Form important microbes and useful worms like megascolex. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. Form the important microbes in the soil, their number determines the fertility of the soil.


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