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Prograssive Cavity Screw Pumps

We conceptually market and export of High Flow Progressing Cavity Viscous Pumps. We have successfully supplied and commissioned above pumps for the various applications such as Molasses, Magma, Effluent, Raw sewage, Thickened Sludge, Gum Transfer.

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We conceptually market and export of High Flow Progressing Cavity Viscous Pumps. We have successfully supplied and commissioned above pumps for the various applications such as Molasses, Magma, Effluent, Raw sewage, Thickened Sludge, Gum Transfer, Various types of Oils, Resins etc.These heavy viscous pumps can also be used as feed pump in boiler in place of conventional centrifugal pumps because high flow pumps provide constant discharge up to 100 MWC Head. High flow pumps can lift water, sludge/slurry from 8.5 MWC pit without foot-valve.


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