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Engineering Consultancy

Engineering Consultancy We have a team of qualified and experienced geotechnical engineers led by Mr. Sanjay Gupta and Mr. Ravi Sundaram who analyze all field and laboratory data in conjunction with site conditions and local geology.

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Foundation analysis is done using software developed by us in-house. The software has been thoroughly validated by repeated trials for all combinations of parameters to prove its efficacy and reliability.

Site-specific foundation design and construction recommendations catering to the project requirements are tailored to suit the type of structure/facility planned and technical requirements.

Issues closely reviewed while developing the geotechnical engineering recommendations include:

•     Nature of soil/rock formation, its density condition/consistency, shear strength and consolidation characteristics
•     Groundwater level and its likely seasonal fluctuations
•     Foundation type and depth, foundation loading conditions, permissible settlement, etc.
•     Behavior under dynamic loads (where foundations will be subjected to vibratory loads)
•     Foundation construction aspects
•     Presence of harmful salts in soil/groundwater such as sulphates, chlorides, etc., which could cause long-term degradation of foundation concrete
•     Assessment of Liquefaction potential during Earthquakes
•     Other project-specific geotechnical aspects
•     The quality of our technical reports has been widely appreciated by all our clients.


•     Assessment of potential geotechnical problems
•     Assessment of geotechnical causes of failure / cracks in buildings / foundation settlement
•     Foundation Strengthening Measures
•     Rehabilitation of foundations

We have accumulated years of experience in applied earth sciences to help us identify geotechnical problems before they occur and also resolve issues that may already have caused distress.

Our areas of expertise include the investigation of geotechnical-distress related to adverse soil and/or geologic conditions such as bearing capacity failure, excessive settlement, expansive soils, landslides, slope failures, underground anomalies (cavities, tunnels, weak/soft zones, etc.), earthquakes, liquefaction, artesian conditions, etc.



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