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We are involved in offering a wide range of Auditing and Assurance Services.
We are involved in offering a wide range of Auditing and Assurance Services. In our services, we follow advanced technique in auditing including auditing programs and a constructive approach in auditing. These services are largely offered to small industry run under ownership of partnership, proprietorship and Companies, beside Trusts and Banks. The basic objective of auditing is to satisfy the users of financial statements that the accounts presented to them are drawn up on correct accounting principles along with Accounting Standards, US GAAP and IAS. Also these services ensures the client that the financial statement represent a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the organization. Features: Compulsory Audit U/S 44AB of the Income Tax Act Company Audit Society/ Trust/ NGO AudiT Partnership Firm Audit Propritorship Firm Audit Audit Forms : Audit Form-3CA Audit Form-3CB Audit Form-3CDOur Auditing Services Include: Statutory Auditing: Under various statutes the business or entity have to get accounts audited. We carry out the same under different statues e.g. Companies Act 1956, Banking Regulation Act, Non Profit organizations, Income Tax Act, 1961 & Insurance Act etc.Our statutory audits also include statutory audits of banks under banking regulations act, Under Societies & Trust Laws, Investigations, Due Diligence Reviews, Special audits relating to business Reconstructions, Re organisation, Mergers, Liquidations & Bankruptcies.Tax Audit:Every assesse, whose turnover of a business exceeds Rs 40 Lacs or total receipts from any profession exceeds Rs 10 Lacs in any previous year, is required to get his accounts audited and report as per section 44 AB of the income tax act we carry out the same.
Internal Auditing/Concurrent Auditing:It require physical verification of fixed Fixed Assets/Inventory/stock in trade. Normally every company physically verifies fixed assets and stock in trade once in a year through an independent agency.