We manufacture a variety of automotive components and parts which are fabricated to perfection and built to last in demanding road conditions. Our automotive parts and components include gears and transmission parts, sprockets, rings and hubs, bearing caps, shock absorber components, piston rings, fuel injection pump parts and wiper parts. We can make these parts according to the exact specifications of our clientele. However, all specifications should be as per Indian and International standards. For us, quality is of paramount importance, and we follow stringent quality control techniques in all departments. Special care is taken with regard to critical parts like automotive components. Today, the Indian auto component industry is one of India sunrise industries with tremendous growth prospects. At one time, our manufacturers were low-key suppliers providing components to the domestic market alone. All that has now changed: the industry has emerged as one of the key auto components centers in Asia and is today acknowledged as a significant player in the global automotive supply chain. India is now a supplier of a range of high-value and critical automobile components to global auto makers such as General Motors, Toyota, Ford and Volkswagen, amongst others. The market for automotive components is huge, and there is an unsatisfied demand for good products. Our company has the expertise and the infrastructure to manufacture components that meet international standards. That is why we have boldly and unhesitatingly taken up this line of production. And whatever we have produced has been accepted by customers and won their praise.