Agnirekha(Bird Repellent)

Agnirekha is unique product offered by our company to control birds.

Additional Details

we are offering to our clients Humic Acid 12 % - ‘Chetak’ which is useful for stabilizing Nitrogenous fertilizers. This contains some natural auxins, which enhance cell division & cell elongation. The salient features are as follows: Composition:- Humic acid 12% with Fulvicfractions Chetak is useful in stabilizing Nitrogenous fertilizers. Chetak increases availability of Phosphatic fertilizers chetak is useful in neutralizing the pH of soil; recommended application is 500ml to 1 Ltr per irrigation. chetak helps in increasing availability of major & microelements to plant. chetak contains some natural auxins, which enhances cell division & cell elongation. Increases the root growth The effect can be easily noticed on crops like Onion, Potato & Ginger. chetak helps in increasing the number of useful Microorganisms that ultimately subsides the population of harmful Microorganisms. chetakstimulates apical growth. chetakincreases the natural synthesis of various plant hormones within plant. chetak increases absorption of P, K, Mg, Fe, Cu & Zn by plants chetak is compatible with almost all plant protection chemicals except with those acidic in nature Available Packing: -100ml, 500ml, 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, 20 Ltr, 200 Ltr. Recommended application: - For Foliar Spray: -100ml to 200ml per 100 Ltr of water For Soil application: - Add. 1 Ltr to 2.5Ltr in 1000 Ltr of water & apply through drip irrigation or as side dressing on one acre of crop

B And B Agro Products

Contact Person :
Borauke .
Designation :
Managing Director
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Distributor / Wholesaler