IPAPS (Intelligent Park and Pay Systems) is an ERP system for parking management, with PC, NFC, RFID and mobile user interfaces. IPAPS is a comprehensive system designed to manage various tyes of paid and unpaid parking. The standard configuration can handle most business practices generally followed in parking management and can be customized and tailored to the specific needs of the site.
Intelligent Park and Pay Systems [IPAPS] – An ERP System for parking management
(1) Deployed at many malls, offices & public parking lots
(2) Comprehensive system designed for managing various kinds of paid & unpaid parking lots.
(3) Standard configuration can handle most of the commonly followed business practices in parking management
(4) Customization & Interfaces to suit specific needs of the site undertaken
IPAPS is Deployed as
(1) Parking ticketing & pass management systems
(2) Visitor Management Systems
(3) Valet Parking Management Systems
Modules in IPAPS
(1) Vehicle data recording
(2) Ticket printing
(3) Vehicle recognition
(4) Digital vacancy status display
(5) Charging (Payment at Entry, Within premises or Exit)
(6) Refund Management (Integration with billing systems)
(7) Pass management (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
(8) Performance Reporting
(9) Statistical Forecasting (Based on arrival patterns)
Four Types of user Interfaces
(1) Computer & Printer
(2) NFC (Near Field Communication) Reader / Writer & Cards
(3) NFC Mobile Phones
(4) RFID Reader & Writers