Sunrise and Sunset time changes everyday as per the longitude and latitude of the place on earth. The visibility time duration after the sunset and before the sunrise also depends on the geographical location of the place. Manual Control street lights waste lot of Electric energy in this visibility period as well as due to change in sunset and sunrise time. We have automatic control solution for this problem. Complete year sunrise and sunset is memorised as per longitude and latitude. A timer is provided to adjust the visibility period. This will save 25% in energy bills.
Our reliable controllers are widely used for regulation of street light and are integrated with an auto season adjustment. It is available in a size range of 96 (H) x 192(W) x 165 (D) in mm. The easy to install street light system can manage many street lights and have three integrated relays to control three contractors, thus the load is distributed on three phases. The failure of phase is detected easily and it has a automatic switch near the phase.
Operating Voltage: 180 To 230V AC 15% 50Hz
Accuracy: Quartz Crystal
Display Time: Real Time.
Relay Output: 5Amp Resistive.
Size: 193mm 193mm
24 Hours Real Time Clock
Twilight Adjustment Up to 4 Hours
Delay To Twilight Up to 8 Hours
Date Selection
Blackout Selection Actual Time
Phase Selection
Phase Activation Time
Battery Backup For A Period Of 2 Years
Phase Manual 'ON” Switch
Three Phase Indications LED.