The Heat of Compression dryers (HOC) are the latest generation chemical dryers based on adsorption principle. It does not have complex valvings & is eliminated with purge loss drawback as in heatless type dryer.
The hot air from the Compressor at 120?C and higher temp, is used directly for regeneration of the desiccant. After regeneration, this air is cooled down to 40?C and then it is dried in second tower. Thus, the use of heaters is eliminated. For eg. in the 6+6 Hrs. Cycle the hot air is fed for regeneration for 4 Hrs. and for balance 2 Hr. a changeover takes place where the air is first cooled in cooler, then dried and before going to the outlet, cools the regenerated desiccant bed, thus bringing it down to ambient temperature. This cycle is reversed for the next 4Hrs. where the Adsorber drying the air in the previous cycle goes for regeneration and vice versa.
Salient Features
Having least running cost
Best quality of air
Lesser pay back period
It is a stationary system and fully automatic
Continuous duty with long efficient service life
Easy to install and user friendly
Mass quantity instrument, process air in chemical industries & other engineering applications where mass volume air may be required.