Token display systems are ideal for banks, airports, public dealing offices , hospitals , doctors clinics, restaurants and other such places where people have to wait in line for their turn. These systems allow customers to wait without having to stand in line, once their number is displayed then only will they have to get in line for their turn. All models are easy to install, operate & maintain. Any ordinary electrician can do the installation quickly. Now also available token number displays with automatic calling counter number display. Automatic increment of token numbers with display of calling counter number is ideally suitable for serving offices with many counters. No need to make your customers stand in long queues in sunlight or rain and wasting time. Just distribute tokens on first come first serve basis and as soon as any counter is ready to provide services the person there just has to press one push switch to show the incremented token number and respective counter number in displays. Also possible to attach more than one display with a single system.