Dynadrill O-Dex systems for DTH hammers are designed to drill and case simultaneously through overburden, passing easily through large boulders, pulling lightweight, inexpensive casings behind them. On reaching the bedrock or required depth, the drillstring is removed easily from the hole, leaving the casings in place. Drilling into the bedrock can then be continued using a normal drill bit.
O-Dex type Casing, Recom. Min. Wall Max. Drill bit Reaming
Size MM Max OD/Min. ID Thickness mm Diameter MM Diameter MM
90 115/102 5 90 123
115 142/128 5 115 152
140 171/157 5 140 187
165 196/183 5,5 165 212
180 219/194 6,3 180 232
190 222/205 6,3 190 237
215 257/241 6,3 215 278
230 270/250 6,3 230 286
240 273/260 6,3 240 306
280 327/305 7,1 280 370