We are supplying and exporting Pineapple with it has enormous health benefits due to its richness in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, including copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folic acid, B6, thiamine and as well as soluble and bromelain and insoluble fiber.
Health Benefits:
Pineapples contain a relatively rare proteolytic enzyme called bromelain, which is mainly associated with the breakdown of complex proteins, but it also has serious anti-inflammatory effects and was positively correlated with the reduction of signs and symptoms of arthritis in many test subjects.
A single serving of pineapple over 130% of daily vitamin-C for humans, making it one of ascorbic acid sources richest and most delicious.
One of the often overlooked benefits of vitamin C is its essential role in the creation of collagen. This is in part why it is considered as a healing, vitamin because collagen is the main protein basis of the blood vessel walls, skin, organs, and bone.
The antioxidant potential of vitamin C in the fight against cancer, pineapple are including vitamin A, bromelain, beta-carotene, various flavonoid compounds and also rich in various other antioxidants
The normal immune power of vitamin C amplification system is well known, but this particular enzyme, bromelain, is also related to the reduction of phlegm and mucus accumulation in the airways and sinus cavities.
Although pineapples are famous for having a high calcium content, which most people associate immediately to bone health, it has an impressive amount of manganese, that is essential for strengthening bones and their growth and repair which is another trace mineral.
Astringents to help tighten and tone the body tissues, so things like tooth loss, hair loss, and muscle weakness or sagging skin do not occur.
Vision is one of the most important sense for humans, and pineapples were directly related to the strengthening of eye health and the prevention of age-related impairments that occur so often.
Potassium vasodilator potential, pineapple also provides the body with the copper, an essential mineral which functions in the compound in the body and number of enzymatic reactions.