An Unique Features :
Supports a sufficient velocity of clean air at driver's breathing level guarantees admin health and wellbeing.
Full top filtration guarantees uniform sifted laminar wind current, exceptionally intended to upgrade
fulfill quality throughout showering.
Usage of space
Unimportant Maintenance and low working cost.
Releases solvents & solids inside allowable utmost outside splashing & industrial facility working territory consenting
contamination control board necessities and further diminishing fire perils.
Flush Mounted Twin tube-light's guarantees shadow free lighting with least glare from top to floor
for better perceivability.
Dust free working environment with inbuilt paint curing office.
White precoated sheet development for Antiglare, high reflective luminars best life for stall.
Foreign made Burner and Filters.
Provision Area:
After Car Service / Garage Market.
Apparatus Manufacturers and so forth.
Overwhelming earth moving supplies assembling.
Lcv/mcv/hcv Auto Service Industry.