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Roll Crusher
Jaw Crusher
Disc Grinders
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The TWIN ROLL CRUSHER Is used for Intermedial© crushing of Orea ond Minerals and the product Is of granular with a minimum of fines.
The TWIN ROLL CRUSHER Is used for Intermedial© crushing of Orea ond Minerals and the product Is of granular with a minimum of fines. Tho product particle size depends on tho gap sotting between rolls and tho material will crush under pressure between rolls. The Crusher consist of two nos. smooth rolls mounted or> respective shafts ond bearings locolod in special housings provided wilh covers and are placed In two noa. elands and con slide over the slots provided In stands. Out of two rolls, one Is flxnd in place and the other ft spring loaded 1o nsoeed book when any unbreakable materials gets into food. The driving of tho toIIb aro achieved by v-pulloys and doublo edged v-belts and la powered by motor Ihrough counter ahafl and v-pullays.