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Energy Efficient Electromagnetic Chokes
Electronic Ballasts and Conventional Chokes
Power Saving Chokes
Electricity Saving Chokes
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Get all the benefits of "T-5 system", Electronic Ballasts and many more advantages than a conventional choke under one roof.
Cost less than 50% of the T-5 system and marginally higher than a convetional choke.
PAY BACK PERIOD compared to conventional choke not exceeding few months.
Handles all sorts of ambient conditions like high humidity, high temparature, corrosive atmosphere etc. comfortably.
Handles electrically polluted conditions like higher line voltages, surge voltages, curents of high intensity without sacrifice.
No premature or frequent failures.
Most important of all, "NO HARMONIC DISTORTION" which is considered to be pain in the neck of maintenance team and slow poisioning for sub-stations, generating stations and distributing net works.
Multifold Tube light Rod life compared to other conventional chokes and electronic ballasts due to controlled current.
Over a period, much reduced periodic procurement of chokes/ballasts, tube light rod, starters etc.
Considerbaly reduced labour requirement otherwise deployed for frequent replacement of Tube Light Rods, Chokes, Starters etc.