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Anything derived from a living or a once-living organism is organic?including plants and animals, and anything made completely from plant or animal parts. Any waste generated by plants and animals, or remaining after we use products made from a plant or an animal, is also organic. Organic products are an important part of our economy and of our lives. They account for much of what we consume and throw away every day. According to a 1990 Citywide waste-stream.

composition study, 38 percent of everything residents throw away is organic?of that total, 13 percent is food scraps and 4 percent is yard trimmings (this does not include waste generated by institutions and businesses). Paper products, although organic, are counted separately and make up 31 percent of the waste stream. Paper products are collected separately and recycled. Due to the sheer volume of organic wastes produced, the way that we choose to handle these materials is one of the most important waste management decisions the City faces.

Aim / Vision / Mission


To Cultivate 60,000 Acre of land within the Gujarat, to produce up to 37,500 tons of Oil, to supply Transesterification plants (Bio Diesel Refineries) domestically and World–wide.


To empower rural farmers to Trade- out of Poverty through commercial, renewable and sustainable Jatropha farming in India.

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