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Voltage Stabilizers
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Variac Transformer
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We offer superior quality variable voltage Single Phase Variac Transformer to our customers.
We offer superior quality variable voltage Single Phase Variac Transformer to our customers. Single Phase Variac Transformer is a continuously variable voltage transformer, having a single layer winding on a toroidal core of high grade cold rolled grain oriented steel. On one face of the copped winding, along the periphery, a special durable contact surface is made. A specially designed carbon brush slides smoothly on the surface. A contact arm holding the contact brush is fitted to the central shaft and as the control knob is rotated, the carbon brush slides over the winding and taps off a portion of voltage across the winding. Any desired voltage within the maximum range can be obtained by adjusting the position of the brush. The calibrated dial reads approximately the output voltage at no-load, when the input is at its rated value. Rotation of the brush arm by manual of motor drive delivers an output voltage from zero to or above line voltage.