Diarrinol Syrup
Mode Of Action :
Holarrhena antidysenterica is an effectiveantidiarrhoeal and also effective in amoebic and bacillary dysentery.
Berberis aristata is a oad spectrum antibacterial agent.
Ptychotis ajowan reeves gastro-intestinal pain.
Cyperus pert
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Mode Of Action :
Holarrhena antidysenterica is an effectiveantidiarrhoeal and also effective in amoebic and bacillary dysentery.
Berberis aristata is a oad spectrum antibacterial agent.
Ptychotis ajowan reeves gastro-intestinal pain.
Cyperus pertenuis and Bombax malbaricum are
very effective antidiarrhoeal.
Myristica fragrans is very effective in watery diarrhoea and acute dysentery.
Panchamrut parpati is an intestinal antiseptic.
Aegle marmelos is very effective in mucous diarrhoea.
Properties :
Reeves gastro intestinal pain.
Reduces the number and frequency of stools, Normal Consistency is regained
Pronounced adsorbent, astringent, demulcent antiperiodic and spasmolytic action.
Indications :
• Amoebic and bacillary dysentry.
• Diarrhoea of specific and non specific origin.
• Gastro enteritis
• Entero cotis
• Choleric Diarrhoea 0 Starvation Diarrhoea
Safety :
There is no undesirable side effects such as flatulance, after constipation and imbalanceof the intestinal flora. Completely safe and non toxic.
Presentation :
Bottles of 100ml. and 400ml.