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For literally thousands of years, ponds have been one of the signature features of the most elegant gardens in the world. While a pond is one of the defining elements of a home that has been created with every attention given toward aesthetics, there

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It takes more than a shovel to build a water pond! One must engage in some sophisticated planning. One must have a good grasp of the various tasks involved to ensure that their pond is exactly what they had in mind.If your pond has aquatic life like fish then it becomes extremely important for you to install pond filter systems. They are crucial for removal of biological and other solid wastes, disease causing bacteria, sludge and algae from your pond ensuring that your pond remains healthy and clear making it aesthetically beautiful.

Types of Pond Filters

Mechanical filters
are an extremely important part of any filtration media. They help clarify the pond water of solid wastes like dry leaves, fish food, uneaten food, feces, plant debris etc. before they reach the pond bottom and thereby help keep the water free of decaying substances which can later produce harmful chemicals.

Biological filters make use of beneficial bacterial to break down toxic wastes like ammonia and nitrate present in the pond water. All biological filters make use of nitrifying bacteria that help in the breaking up of harmful toxins like ammonia to nitrite and then nitrite to nitrate.

Chemical filtration involves purifying the pond water of harmful chemicals by chemically binding them to the filter media. This method of filtration is extremely useful to remove chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals, ammonia and other chemical impurities from the pond water. Chemical filters can help improve the pond clarity and remove pond odor.

U.V. filters make use of ultraviolet radiation to kill harmful pathogens, fungi and algae cells UV filters are highly effective against suspended algae and can help in eliminating them from the pond by altering their DNA structure. In addition they are also effective again ICH and fungi that can cause diseases among the fish population.


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