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Sports Flooring And Accessories
Sports Surface
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With the help of our efficient team, we provide tennis court or champ ward CA-102 system cushioned acrylic surface to our customers. This tennis court has listed in ITF as "Category 3" in court surface.
With the help of our efficient team, we provide tennis court or champ ward CA-102 system cushioned acrylic surface to our customers. This tennis court has listed in ITF as "Category 3" in court surface classification. Schematic sections are given below:
Acrylic Finish (2-3 Coats)
Acrylic Line Marking Paint
Acrylic Base Coating (2-3 Coats)
Cushioned Acrylic Coating (2 or 4 coats)
Acrylic resurface
Acrylic primer / PU Primer / Epoxy Primer
Acrylic Primer / PU Primer / Epoxy Primer