Aaider Detectin & Protection Pvt Ltd
Product Range
Fact Sheet
- Location:New Delhi, India
- Year of Establishment:1989
- Business Type:Business Services
- Main Products:Corporate Services, Personal And Individual Services
- Reviews & Rating:
Pre Employment Verification
It is vital for every organization to run a check on their employees before employing them.
- FOB PriceNA
- Min Order QuantityNA
- Payment TermsNA
Other Details
It is vital for every organization to run a check on their employees before employing them. It is in the benefit of the organization to run a check on the employee before and after employing him to keep probable frauds and manipulation in control. Therefore it is important to verify the credential of all employees before employing them. Verification of the employees must be done for the following reasons:
National Security
Protect Organizations Reputation
Corporate Social Responsibility
Reduce Litigation Cost
Competitive Advantage
Weed out Unscrupulous Employees
Reduce Financial Frauds and Losses
It is not difficult for an employee to change or fabricate his resume to appear as an eligible candidate. Many a times it happens when employees delete or add additional information so as to suit better to the position they are applying for. The checking and screening of resumes is required because of the following reasons:
About 70% resumes contain one or more lies
About 57% employees increase their CTC/Salary
About 25% CVs have incorrect supporting documents
About 52% of the employees mention wrong reason of leaving
In 17% cases, discrepancies are found in work profile
About 8% employees claim higher designations in their CVs
Many degrees are added which are never been obtained
Many employees have a criminal background